The importance of good friendships

The importance of strong friendships

Like people, no business is an island.

Sure, there are companies that were built by a single entrepreneur, but even they needed the support of their connections along the way. Friendships are vital, even in the corporate world. Influential friends, in particular, can provide you with opportunities for growth and success, but the benefits of having friends go way beyond work-related reasons. In fact, there's a wealth of research revealing that friendships are key to achieving happiness and health. So if you have a tendency to abandon ties in order to pursue career goals, think twice.

Here are some reasons why good friendships are just as, if not even more, important:

Friends can give you perspective

Part of achieving success in our businesses or careers involves pushing the boundaries and coming up with creative solutions to problems big and small. Sometimes, however, it's easy to have tunnel vision when you have your eyes too focused on the prize. This can lead you to feel stuck, unable to see how to make a change or move forward. (Hello quitting!) In business and in life, a friend could offer a different perspective and help you realise potential new approaches. Good friends say what you need to hear, even if it’s not pretty and can help you make better decisions, shortening the time it takes to figure out solutions.

They are your support system

Working on your career goals, becoming an entrepreneur or taking your business to the next level can come with many challenges which can lead you to feel demotivated or even depressed if you don't have a good support network in place. So when times are tough, your friends, especially those at work or who also run their own businesses, can be your source of strength and understanding. They can help you transition through hard times easier with words of encouragement, gestures of support, or even simply the comfort of knowing someone else understands what you're going through.

Importantly, people who have hit rock bottom need the right support system because this is key to helping them recover and get back on top. That’s why you should surround yourself with people you love and respect and who do the same in return. Don’t be afraid to eliminate toxic relationships as they can be another source of stress and can keep you from growing. (If you need help with removing toxic relationships from your life let's chat - book a complementary confidence and clarity call with me here.)

You get more inspired.

Do you know someone who's always super enthusiastic about what they do? It's infectious right? Passionate friends can easily transfer their enthusiasm onto you. Take some time to learn from them, find out what makes them tick and listen to their success stories, it could prompt you to write your own. Also, knowing that your friends have succeeded and have your back can motivate you to prioritise your personal growth and work on yourself or your career. Don’t underestimate the power of phrases like “I believe in you” - they can set your gears in motion to go for your goals!

Friends make you happier.

Being with friends, whether it’s during lunch break, after work or even on social media, can have a positive impact on your mood. It’s always nice to have people to talk to about certain things, even if you're an introvert like me! A problem shared is a problem halved, as the saying goes. As long as your friends are there to listen, you’ll be in a good place. After all, having a positive mood impacts your performance. It can make you feel more confident about making decisions and boost your productivity. Plus, your happiness can affect the attitude and mood of those around you. So even if you work from home or for yourself, try not to say no to those impromptu meetings with friends during business hours. They could have a really beneficial effect on the work you do afterwards.


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