Lost your motivation mojo? Here's 7 steps to get it back

Lost your motivation mojo

Lost your mojo? 

Some days you're firing on all cylinders, full of motivation and ready to attack your goals.... and some days you'll find ANY reason to avoid working towards them. When apathy hits, you know you've lost your motivation mojo. When you're working hard on your business you can get stuck in that head-down mode, and forget your vision, your passion, the WHY that got you oh so excited in the beginning, that kept you up at night scribbling ideas on sticky notes. If you're struggling to see the bigger picture and stay excited about your goals, here's 7 tips to help you rediscover your motivation and get back on track fast...

#1 Figure out where you want to be

Take some time to re-evaluate that bigger picture. Ask yourself - what do I REALLY want from your life? From my business? What matters most to you right now and where do you want to go from here? Take the time to visualize your ideal life. Try to envision as many details as you can - how does it feel, sound, smell, taste? What person will you become when you live your dream life? How will the people around you be affected?

#2 Get it ALL out.

Grab a pen and paper and write out the details of your ideal life clearly. Focus on what you DO want rather than what you don't have or don't want. Put everything down in a format that works for you, longhand like a story or in a mind map or brainstorm cloud.

#3 Review your current goals.

Now take a look at your current goals. How do they relate to your ideal life? Are they working towards it? If not, revise your goals so they're in line with what you actually want. And while you're at it make sure that each goal is super specific so you'll know when you've achieved it, realistic so you can actually get it done and has a deadline so you don't drift on it.

#4 Create a visual representation of your ideal life.

It's easy to let our long-term vision slide in the crazy busyness of the day-to-day. But what's out of sight is more easily out of mind so leave reminders for yourself on note cards, sticky notes, vision boards, dry erase boards, and anywhere else that you'll see it and be able to think about it. Keeping your long-term vision front of mind is key to developing the motivation to see your shorter-term goals through.

#5 Do what the pros do.

Pick someone who is already where you want to be, deconstruct their process, and follow it. Doing what you THINK might work is never as effective or productive as doing what's been proven to work.  Struggling to figure out how they did it? Ask them. You'll be surprised how people will open up and share their journey.

#6 Remember your why.

If your motivation starts to drift again remember WHY you have these specific goals. Close your eyes and visualize your ideal life often, in detail, and review your action plan to remind yourself how you're going to get there. Get excited all over again! When the "why" of your goals is important to you, the "how" more easily appears.

#7 Get some support.

Who said you have to do it all on your own? Remember you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with so encircle yourself with people that motivate you, cheer you on, and feed you positive energy at every turn. Find an accountability buddy or coach to get the support you need.


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