How to get what you want (what you really really want)

How to get what you want

Ever wondered why some people seem to get everything they want?

When they look for a promotion, their dream job lands in their lap. If they fancy an exotic vacation, they get an email with a super-cheap flight offer.

Is it magic? Well kind of... it's MAGIC BY DESIGN.

And by that I mean it’s magic you ASK FOR. The only true way to actually get what you want is by learning how to ask for it and taking some serious action to get the wheels turning. Here’s an example...

You want to get promoted

Let’s say you’re waiting to be discovered so that you can be promoted to the next level. You just can’t figure out why you’re always overlooked when a better position comes up. Here’s a couple of reasons why this might be:

1. No one even knows that you are looking to be promoted.

2. You haven’t demonstrated that you’re capable of doing this particular job.

3. You feel embarrassed about promoting yourself. Most likely you’re sitting at your desk each day, doing a crazy-wonderful job, waiting to be noticed. Unfortunately, this isn’t going to get that dream job knocking on your door. Just because you’re fantastic at what you do, doesn’t mean anyone is paying more attention than they absolutely have to. You need to take specific action so that the right people know what you want and why you should get it.

Be clear, demonstrate and stop hoping

So let's look at some steps you can take: First, you need to make it known, to the right people, that you would LOVE to be considered for your dream job. As women, we often play down our skills but this isn’t the time to be shy. It might feel embarrassing to blow your own trumpet but you don’t have to shout it from the rooftops. Just be clear, concise and professional. And if the position becomes available, apply for it.

In the meantime, start demonstrating you have the experience, knowledge and network to DO your dream job. Of course, you don't want to start just doing the job, you want to get paid for it! But find some way that you can show you have the skills and connections to do it.

Don’t have the connections yet? Start networking. Book a coffee with someone on the team you want to join and find out more about how they work. Ask questions, be interested, see if you can help them now in some way (without it affecting your current work). Being ‘known’ can make it easier to get into the selection process if a position becomes available. The worst thing you can do is to just 'hope' that you will be asked to fill any vacant position. Your boss is most likely aware of how well you do your current job, and they probably think you are perfectly happy. 

You want more of the right customers

What if you work for yourself? Here’s an example for you: Let’s say you want more sales for your business. You want to attract X-type customers but you definitely don’t want to work with Y-type customers. Your website showcases what you do, you have fab reviews from previous clients but you just can’t figure out why you’re not getting enough of the right people through your (virtual or otherwise) doors.

Here’s a couple of reasons why this might be:

1. You’re not actively showing X-type customers that you are the PERFECT solution for all their frustrations (while showing Y-type customers that you’re not the right fit for them)

2. You’re not being VISIBLE enough in your business

3. You feel icky about ASKING for the sale.

Be crystal clear, show up, add value and ask for the sale

So let's look at some steps you can take:

Make it crystal clear that you are an X-type client’s business BFF, you understand them inside and out and know how to help them get over their challenges. Start showing up in your business for THAT customer and demonstrating HOW you can help them. Make it easy for them to find out how to work with you. Give them oodles of value. There is nothing wrong with saying that you DON’T work with Y-type clients. You want a ‘hell yes’ or a ‘hell no’ not an “I’m not sure… so I’ll go over here instead.”

Chances are if you're showing up to the right people at the right time and adding loads of value asking for the sale won't feel as skin-crawly as it does now. But if selling still feels icky, consider what’s really going on behind that feeling. Do you need to up your selling skills by doing a sales course? Or do you perhaps, deep down, feel like what you’re offering is ‘enough’ for the price you’re asking for? Set yourself a goal to investigate and overcome these barriers.

Start actively creating magic by design in your life, work or business by ASKING for what you want and taking action. Remember that the easiest path to getting what you want is to go out there and ask for it!


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