48: Own your health with tech founder Sarah Bolt

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When it comes to your health are you reactive or proactive?

I ask because today’s guest on The Ideal Life Club podcast is the founder of a business that is empowering women to take ownership of their health and fitness.

Sarah Bolt is the founder of Forth - a company that enables you to measure and optimize your health with at-home blood test kits, with analysis at accredited labs and an unrivalled results dashboard that helps you understand the health markers that really matter.

Sarah is at the forefront of a movement that sees people beginning to turn from passive recipients of healthcare to active consumers of preventative care. This is a subject that is close to my heart as I have personal experience of managing two medical conditions proactively without any medication.

In our interview you’ll hear how Sarah realized she wasn’t living her ideal life and how she motivated herself to pivot towards her goals, you’ll hear how she had to step out of her comfort zone to convince people to invest in her business and the mindset challenges that led to, the bad habits that she had to break and her key tips for raising funding for your business.

Now, let me just say that even if you’re not planning to use crowdfunding or another route to get investment in your business Sarah shares so much wisdom in this interview that I know you’re still going to get a LOT of out it.

Sarah's tips for starting a new business:

  1. Spend time researching your market - is there a market there for your products or service? Is it meeting a need or solving a problem people have?

  2. Learn and understand as much as you can about the investment market if you want to go down that route (i.e. crowdfunding can work but it's not an easy option and competitors can learn all about your idea).

  3. Make sure you're passionate about your business - it will help you through the sticky patches!

  4. Become an expert in your area

  5. Break all the steps you need to take down into small tasks to prevent feeling overwhelmed.

Links mentioned in this episode

  1. Forthwithlife.co.uk

  2. Follow Forth Edge on Instagram and Forth on Facebook and Twitter

  3. Femtech company: Elvie (pelvic floor trainer and silent breast pump)

  4. Download my FREE cheatsheet - the 9 questions you must ask before you work with ANY coach this year.


49: Being a working parent with Heather Rutherford


47: The business of empowering parents and kids with Cai Graham