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Ditch distraction and power up your focus muscles

Do you struggle to focus?

I don’t know about you, but I find it’s increasingly more difficult to focus. The average human has an eight-second attention span–less than that of a goldfish, according to a 2015 study from Microsoft. There are so many distractions available! From social media to people stopping by your office, phone calls, emails and the competing priorities of home, family and business it often makes me wonder how any of us can concentrate on tasks we should be doing.

So how can we ditch distraction and power up our focus muscles? Here are my top tips:

#1 Become aware of your distractions

We’re often so used to distractions, we don’t even notice them anymore. Your smartphone is distracting you with alerts several dozen times a day and that might not seem like too much of a problem but it takes an average of about 25 minutes (23 minutes and 15 seconds, to be exact) to return to your original task after an interruption, according to Gloria Mark, who studies digital distraction at the University of California, Irvine. That's a lot of wasted productivity! So the first step to taking control of distractions is becoming aware of them. Start paying attention and create a running list of things that distract and disrupt your day.

#2 Evaluate your distractions

For every distraction, you’re paying a price. Usually, that price is paid in time and it may be more time than you think it takes. Once you are aware of a distraction, you have to make a decision. Is it worth keeping or not? Having your email program open at all times means you get distracted every time the “new mail” alert pops up. Is it worth the distraction, or can you live with only checking your emails twice a day? Go through your list of distractions and decide if it’s something you have to have, or if you can eliminate the distraction and live without it. You may be able to live with checking email only twice a day, but decide to keep text message alerts on because it’s important your partner or your child’s school can reach you in case of an emergency.

#3 Eliminate distractions

Try to eliminate distractions as much as possible. For me, that means using the OneTab app to remove all the tabs except the one I’m working on and an app on my phone called Quality Time which only lets me use certain apps for a set period of time. If all else fails I turn my phone off (or if I get really desperate leave it in another room). You could also enlist the help of an accountability buddy - let them know you're starting work on something and can they check in with you in say 60 minutes to make sure you got it done.

#4 Start sprinting

Most of us will tend to work better and be more focused if we do it in spurts or sprints rather than trying to work at the same level all day. We can use that to figure out the optimal times for us. Some people can work for a full hour while others will do better with 15-minute intervals. Try setting yourself a timer for a few different times to figure out the best time limit for you and then make that your sprint time. Then set a timer again for that amount of time and get to work on a task. When the timer goes off stop and get a cuppa or stretch your legs before you settle back down for another sprint. Also, try some music. Too much background noise can be distracting, but some studies show that having music playing helps you focus on your own thoughts - just make sure you like the tunes.

#5 Train your brain to focus

I know meditation isn’t for everyone but research shows it’s a great way to build our focus muscles. And you don’t have to do it for hours - 10 mins a day is enough to prime your attention. My fav meditation apps are Headspace and Calm.

#6 Get a change of location

If your office (or home) is too distracting try working from somewhere else - a local library or coffee shop can make a great makeshift office - just pop in some headphones and get to work. Or see if you have a local co-working space that offers desk space for a low fee. This has the added benefit of an opportunity to network and collaborate with others. CoWorker.com allows you to search desks, offices and meeting rooms in over 8000 co-working spaces around the world.

#7 Prime your brain for focus with the right amount of sleep

And finally, if you aren’t getting enough sleep, you need to correct that. All other techniques to help you focus won’t work if you don’t. Our bodies need the right amount of sleep and a lack of sleep will make your mind wander and focusing won’t happen. So make sure you’re getting your zzzzs in.