Michelle Reeves Writes

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7 no-brainer ideas for a Summer Sort Out

Ahh, Summer... lazy days of long lunches and romantic walks along the sand...

but when you've finished brushing the sand off your toes, it's worth remembering that Summer is also a great time to spend a little effort for a great reward by planning ahead and getting ready for 'back-to-school' in our businesses.

It doesn't have to be too taxing either - some simple steps will get you set up for September. Here are 7 no-brainer ideas to get you ready to hit the ground running when you're back at your desk.

#1 Freshen up your website

When's the last time you read through your about page, checked your programmes and prices, wrote a blog post, changed out your images? Review your key pages and tweak them as necessary.

#2 Review your goals

Review and revisit your personal and business goals for the rest of the year - what exciting plans can you make?

#3 Project Planning

What project have you been putting off that you can make a start on this month - if you're getting stuck with it, start by deciding the 5 big outcomes you need to make it happen.

#4 Create a new habit

What one new daily habit could make you calmer, fitter, healthier or more organised? Start practising it now so you have it DOWN by 01 Sept.

#5 Desk declutter

A cluttered space = a cluttered mind. Review all the papers, books, magazines on your desk and either file them, throw them or take a photo and store them on something like Google Drive.

#6 Computer clean up

Go through and clean up your inbox and downloads folder, delete, file and archive to save time searching for things. And while you're there, unsubscribe from any unnecessary email lists that are cluttering up your inbox.

#7 Reset your mindset

It's easy to get overwhelmed during the Summer when we start to think of all the things we need to get done and how little time we have to do it all in. Hit reset on your mindset by taking small steps forward each day and celebrate each win to give yourself a positivity boost - before you know if you’ll be back at your desk and wondering where the Summer went!